dedicated books

If your intention is to immerse yourself in one of my latest books and you want to buy it in physical format; why not make it more special? Why not have it dedicated and also get some other little surprise?

How to order the books?

Contact me through my email and tell me the book you want me to send you dedicated. The type of shipping you want (ordinary or certified) and the address where you want the order to arrive.
contact me

What are the prices?

The price of the book will be the same whether you buy it through Amazon as if you ask me directly.
The difference may be in shipping costs. (since I will send it through the Post Office). Even so, you will also be able to request ordinary or certified shipping (with tracking code).
Ordinary shipments (Peninsula and Balearic Islands)
Certified shipments (Peninsula and Balearic Islands)

And the payment method?

Payment for the order can be made through PayPal either wire transfer.

Do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything you need to know.
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